Political advisors call for professional judicial staff

发布时间: 2014-09-19 11:37:08 | 来源: Xinhua | 作者: | 责任编辑: 李琨


BEIJING, July 3 -- Chinese political advisors on Thursday discussed measures to ensure the professionalism of judges and judicial staff.

Speaking at a symposium held by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), advisors suggested that chief judges and procurators must have a background in law.

They called for a selection committee and a transparent, democratic system to elect or appoint judges and procurators.

Advisors also suggested improving the system of magistrates to encourage public participation in the judicial reform.

The forum is a regular event for advisors from various fields and backgrounds -- mainly non-Communist parties or those with no political affiliation -- to discuss and propose ideas.